4 Potential Complications of an Untreated Tongue Tie
November 23, 2021
Do you or your child have an untreated tongue-tie in Phillipsburg? Although it may not seem like a big deal right now, the complications that can arise over time can certainly make life more difficult. Before you put off the notion of seeking professional help, here are four potential consequences that can occur if you choose to avoid treatment.
Sleep Deprivation
If your baby is unable to latch properly because of a tongue-tie, you both will begin to lose valuable sleep. Your infant will cry because they are hungry; however, because they cannot properly nurse, it will make them fussier and also potentially cause poor weight gain. You, too, will lack necessary rest because of the frequent interruptions throughout the night. By having a specialist perform a frenectomy, however, you and your baby can experience a greater breastfeeding journey that allows both of you to get the sleep you need.
Lack of Self Confidence
In both children and teens, an untreated tongue-tie can lead to feelings of low self-esteem. Why? Although it cannot be seen by others, the way your child talks or sounds will appear different. Peer acceptance is important among these age groups, so anything that might cause them to stand out or seem “different” may not be a welcomed reality. You can mitigate this problem by seeking tongue-tie treatment in Phillipsburg with a highly skilled professional.
Eating Difficulties
Children and adults can have difficulties eating certain foods because of the tongue’s inability to forcibly push food toward the throat for consumption. This can make dinners with family, eating lunch in the cafeteria with friends, or attending special meetings potentially embarrassing. However, the release of this banded tissue will improve the way the tongue moves throughout the mouth, allowing foods to easily pass and digest accordingly.
Inability to Keep Prosthetics in Place
Older adults who have customized prosthetics (i.e., full dentures) may discover it is much harder keeping them in place. The tongue’s movement is key when living with dentures, as you often need to swallow to keep your prosthetic from shifting while eating or speaking. If you’re unable to do this effectively, you might face more frequent slippage or experience your denture falling out of your mouth. If alone, this can be frustrating. However, if surrounded by others, this can be highly embarrassing.
Seeking professional help for tongue-tie treatment in Phillipsburg is the only way to avoid these potential problems over time. Most frenectomies are performed during infancy, but if symptoms do not arise until later in life, do not be afraid to talk to a specialist who can help.
About the Author
Dr. Garcia-DeMartino is a lip and tongue-tie specialist based in Phillipsburg. Seeing a common trend of lip and tongue-ties developing in infants and parents struggling, she underwent extensive training to begin treating these problems. Attending the International World Clinical Laser Institute, she became an expert in the use of soft tissue and hard tissue lasers. Now, she proudly helps patients suffering from the effects of lip and tongue-ties. If you or your child is experiencing problems because of restricted tissues, visit our website or call (908) 859-5260.
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