Laser or Traditional Frenectomy—Which is Best?
January 8, 2023

Frenectomies have been done for a very long time, but many people still don’t know much about them or how life-changing they can be. A frenectomy simply shortens the frenulum, a thin ligament that connects the lips and tongue to the other tissues in the mouth. Some people have a frenulum that’s too large, so trimming it allows them to move their lips and tongue more freely.
Frenectomies have been done since at least the 1700s, but how they’re done has progressed significantly. In particular, there’s been a growing distinction between traditional and laser frenectomies. If you or your child needs this treatment, here’s a guide that can help you pick between the two.
What are Traditional Frenectomies?
In the early days of the procedure, frenectomies were done by a midwife using their thumbnail. Of course, that’s not quite what “traditional” frenectomies are like in the modern era. Nowadays, your dentist will use a scalpel or scissors to shorten the frenulum. The procedure is fast, but there may be some discomfort or swelling afterward.
What are Laser Frenectomies?
Laser frenectomies are similar to their traditional counterpart, except that (as the name suggests) they’re done with a CO2 laser. This has quite a few benefits over the traditional method.
First of all, the laser cauterizes the wound as it snips, which means less bleeding or risk for infection than when it’s done with a scalpel. The laser is also faster, which means that there’s less of a need for an anesthetic. Finally, aftercare is easier and entails a lower chance of infection than when done with the traditional method.
Which Type of Frenectomy is Best?
First of all, it’s worth saying that the provider you want to see has a lot to do with which procedure to choose. Laser frenectomies require a lot of studying to perfect, so it’s better to find a specialist if you’re interested in this procedure. If you’re comfortable with a certain dentist who’ll only do traditional frenectomies, the procedure should still be very safe.
That said, laser frenectomies have significant benefits over their traditional counterpart. They’re faster, safer, entail less bleeding and less pain both during and after the procedure. If you’re picking between the two it’s hard to recommend anything else.
About the Author
If you had to describe Dr. Garcia-DeMartino one way (other than “dentist”), most everyone would say she’s a “people person.” She loves being able to treat people’s tongue-ties because of the relief on their faces when the procedure is done. Dr. Garcia-DeMartino studied dentistry at Fairleigh Dickinson University, and learned everything there was to learn about frenectomies from the International World Clinical Laser Institute.
If you have any questions about the benefits of laser frenectomies, she can be reached at her website or by phone at (908) 859-5260.
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