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Checking Your Baby for a Lip or Tongue Tie: Why and How

August 17, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — lehighvalley @ 11:35 am
parent about to check the baby for a lip or tongue tie

As a new mom, you are going through each experience for the first time, learning as you go. With breastfeeding, you’ve tried your best, but your baby and you just don’t seem to be getting it right. You wonder whether you’re doing something wrong or if there’s an existing problem like a lip or tongue tie making it more difficult. How can you tell? Keep reading to learn more about checking your baby for a lip or tongue tie, why it’s important, and how it’s treated!

Why Identifying and Treating a Lip or Tongue Tie Matters

If your baby is experiencing difficulty with breastfeeding or eating solid foods because of a lip or tongue tie, it can lead to poor weight gain and frustration for both you and your little one. In addition, if left untreated, the lip or tongue tie can cause many problems, such as speech impediments, sleep apnea, and more, as the child continues to grow and develop. In other words, the sooner this problem can be identified and taken care of, the better for both you and your little one!

How to Check for a Lip or Tongue Tie

Most people have at least a little bit of tissue connecting the lips to the oral cavity and the tongue to the floor of the mouth, so how can you tell if that tissue qualifies as a lip or tongue tie? First, lay your baby in your lap facing you. Gently lift the upper (or lower) lip and flip it up. If you find this too difficult or the tissue you see is overly thick, it could be a lip tie.

For the tongue, all you really need to do is take a clean finger and swipe it underneath the tongue. If you encounter blockage, your baby just might have a tongue tie interfering with their ability to achieve proper suction.

Even after doing your own examination, especially if you aren’t sure whether your baby has a lip or tongue tie, you’ll need to schedule a consultation with a specialist. They can officially diagnose the issue, explain your treatment options, and actually resolve the problem behind your baby’s struggles.

How to Treat a Lip or Tongue Tie

For those who have a restrictive tongue or lip tie, the simplest way to address the problem is to get rid of the thick tissue. Traditionally, this procedure, called a frenectomy, was performed either with surgical scissors or a scalpel. As you might imagine, cutting this tissue required the use of local anesthesia and caused some bleeding.

However, advanced technology has presented a better way of dealing with lip and tongue ties. Using a laser, the specialist can release this tissue often without anesthesia. Because the laser cauterizes as it gently severs, there is usually very little bleeding, which helps speed up the healing process as well.

Ultimately, if a tongue or lip tie is restricting oral function for your baby, addressing the underlying problem should enable your baby to latch on properly and have an easier time nursing. As a result, you can enjoy this bonding time with your baby!

About the Author

Dr. Garcia-DeMartino has been practicing general dentistry since 1987, but has focused her continuing education coursework primarily on treating lip and tongue ties since 2003. Highly trained in hard and soft tissue laser dentistry, she is an expert in the field, belonging to the Academy of Children’s Dentistry as well as the Academy of Laser Dentistry. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Garcia-DeMartino, you may contact her office online or call 908-859-5260.

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