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Garcia-DeMartino Lip & Tongue-Tie Specialist Blog

What Makes Tongue-Tie Treatment Necessary for a Child? 

September 6, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — lehighvalley @ 3:04 pm
Child with large tongue-tie

After taking your child to the dentist, you may find out they have a tongue-tie. If you’re referred to a specialist, they may suggest a frenectomy to release the banded tissue and allow for greater oral movement. However, how sure can you be that tongue-tie treatment is necessary? Read on to discover what symptoms warrant this type of care and why you shouldn’t put it off if you want your child to enjoy a better quality of life.


Ask These Questions Before Laser Tongue Tie Surgery

August 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — lehighvalley @ 3:13 pm
Mother and child in doctor’s office

Laser tongue tie surgery is a quick and precise way to help both children and adults enjoy improved oral health and function. Still, the word “surgery” might make you feel a little nervous, especially if your infant is the patient! Asking lots of questions before the procedure can help to put your mind at ease. What specifically should you ask your dentist? Here are some suggestions to get you started:


Is a Laser Frenectomy Painful for Children?

July 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — lehighvalley @ 7:07 pm
Happy baby photographed from above

Lip and tongue ties are among the most common birth defects. If your child has either (or both) of these conditions, they may need to undergo a frenectomy. Understandably, the idea of your child undergoing surgery could make you a bit nervous! The last thing you want is for your precious baby to be in pain. But are laser frenectomies really painful for children? This blog post explains why you have nothing to worry about.


From Mild to Severe: The Comprehensive Guide to Tongue-Tie

June 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — lehighvalley @ 12:04 am
closeup of person with tongue tie

Ankyloglossia, better known as tongue-tie, is a condition that can restrict oral function in patients of all ages. The tongue’s movement is restricted due to a short, tight, or thin lingual frenulum, which is the connective tissue between the tongue and the floor of the mouth. As a result, it can impact speech, eating, and other day-to-day actions. Healthcare professionals use several classification systems to effectively diagnose and treat tongue-tie. Read on to explore these systems in detail!


Does Your Child Really Need Tongue Tie Surgery? What You Should Know

May 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — lehighvalley @ 4:14 pm
Infant lying on their belly, sticking their tongue out

According to one estimate, between 4% and 10% of babies are born with a condition known as tongue tie. This problem occurs when the lingual frenum (the piece of tissue that connects the tongue to the floor of the mouth) is too short or thick, restricting the tongue’s movement. In many cases, the only way to correct this issue is via a surgery known as a frenectomy.

Understandably, you might be reluctant to consent to surgery for your infant, even if the procedure is relatively minor. But what might happen if you choose to forgo treatment? This blog post explains what you should know.


Tongue-Tie and Postpartum Depression: What is the Link?

April 19, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — lehighvalley @ 6:58 pm
woman with postpartum depression

While the joy of having a baby can be something a woman looks forward to throughout her pregnancy, its arrival can spur a new array of emotions that may be unexpected. Postpartum depression is real, and it affects an estimated 10% of new mothers. Part of the mental struggle women experience is the inability to nurse or feed their baby, whether it is due to a lip- or tongue-tie or the psychological toll that occurs in the weeks and months following the birth of their child. Find out if there might be a link between postpartum depression and a child’s restricted lip or tongue tissues.


Can Tongue Tie Cause Reflux and Constipation in Babies?

March 23, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — lehighvalley @ 5:07 pm
Fussy infant lying on bed

It is well known that tongue tie and lip tie can interfere with a child’s ability to breastfeed, but that is really just the beginning of the problem. In fact, evidence indicates that a tongue tie could even contribute to digestive problems, including reflux and constipation. How is that the case, and how might treatment be able to help? This blog post explains.


Frenectomy vs. Frenotomy: What’s The Difference?

February 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — lehighvalley @ 7:21 pm
Dentist talking to mother about a frenectomy

In the realm of dental procedures, terms like “frenectomy” and “frenotomy” may sound intimidating or confusing to many. Understanding the differences between these procedures is important to determine what your child needs. If you want to learn the big difference between these two surgical solutions for your child’s lip and tongue-ties, continue reading.


Nursing News: Is Pain Normal?

January 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — lehighvalley @ 7:47 pm
Woman on couch nursing baby

Breastfeeding your newborn is an incredible opportunity to bond with them that brings a lot of joy to many new mothers. If you’re experiencing pain every time, however, you probably won’t find the experience to be as pleasant. If you’ve asked for help, you may have been told that discomfort is normal and to wait it out, but that’s not necessarily the case. Unfortunately, this is a well-known misconception about breastfeeding that is treated as common knowledge. Keep reading to learn more about the actual truth behind this myth about nursing!


Ties and Toddlers: What Parents Need to Know About Lip Ties

December 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — lehighvalley @ 4:23 pm
A toddler revealing their lip tie

Nothing can beat the smile of a healthy and happy child. As a parent, you want what is best for your little one So, if you notice they’re having trouble, you’ll naturally step in to help. A lip tie affects the strip of skin beneath the upper lip, thickening it. This heavily restricts its movement, which can impact toddlers in multiple ways. Understanding the need for treatment is an important first step to help your child live a happier, healthier life.

If you want to learn how lip ties affect toddlers, stunting their development, continue reading.

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