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Garcia-DeMartino Lip & Tongue-Tie Specialist Blog

Laser or Traditional Frenectomy—Which is Best?

January 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — lehighvalley @ 5:42 pm
close-up of someone exposing their frenulum

Frenectomies have been done for a very long time, but many people still don’t know much about them or how life-changing they can be. A frenectomy simply shortens the frenulum, a thin ligament that connects the lips and tongue to the other tissues in the mouth. Some people have a frenulum that’s too large, so trimming it allows them to move their lips and tongue more freely.

Frenectomies have been done since at least the 1700s, but how they’re done has progressed significantly. In particular, there’s been a growing distinction between traditional and laser frenectomies. If you or your child needs this treatment, here’s a guide that can help you pick between the two.


4 Ways to Soothe a Teething Baby So They Can Sleep

December 28, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — lehighvalley @ 3:18 pm

Most babies start teething when their first teeth begin erupting through their gums. It’s most known to cause distress for both the parents and the child because neither one can get the rest they need! After a long day at work or taking care of your child, the one thing all parents can appreciate is laying their head down on their pillow knowing their little one is asleep in the next room over, but that isn’t always possible if they’re fussy and in pain. Knowing what to expect during this process can make it a little easier, and with these four soothing techniques, you can help make teething more comfortable for your baby.


What’s the Difference Between a Frenectomy & Frenotomy?

November 25, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — lehighvalley @ 3:23 pm
a parent sitting in a chair and breastfeeding their infant

Over the last decade, lip and tongue-tie diagnoses have drastically increased due to more parents being educated about why their child may be experiencing difficulty breastfeeding, digestive issues, or speech impairments. While this is definitely a “win” for modern technology and parents everywhere, it’s important to know that there are multiple treatment options depending on your child’s unique situation. Read on to learn the difference between a frenectomy and frenotomy.


How Can a Lip or Tongue-Tie Affect My Toddler?

October 27, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — lehighvalley @ 5:33 pm
a parent playing with their toddler

Nobody gives you a how-to book on raising a child. It can feel like a lot of pressure taking care of your kiddo in addition to being cognizant of the little signs they show that could be symptoms of medical or health conditions. Fortunately, if you find out your toddler has a lip or tongue-tie, there are specialists who can help you navigate and treat their condition to improve their quality of life as they get older. Read on to learn how a lip or tongue-tie can impact your toddler’s development and what you can do about it.


Tongue Ties and Colic: How Treating One Could Improve the Other

September 16, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — lehighvalley @ 5:03 pm
crying baby with colic and a tongue tie

You knew having a brand-new baby would be a challenge, but your little one keeps crying no matter what you do—feeding, changing their diaper, rocking—and nothing seems to help for long. Their colic is making you miserable, and you know in your gut that something must be wrong, but what?

Have you thought of the possibility that your baby with colic could have a tongue tie? This post explains how colic can be caused by a tongue or lip tie and how the problem is treated to keep everyone happier.


Checking Your Baby for a Lip or Tongue Tie: Why and How

August 17, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — lehighvalley @ 11:35 am
parent about to check the baby for a lip or tongue tie

As a new mom, you are going through each experience for the first time, learning as you go. With breastfeeding, you’ve tried your best, but your baby and you just don’t seem to be getting it right. You wonder whether you’re doing something wrong or if there’s an existing problem like a lip or tongue tie making it more difficult. How can you tell? Keep reading to learn more about checking your baby for a lip or tongue tie, why it’s important, and how it’s treated!


Latching Problems? A Tongue-Tie Could Be the Cause

July 18, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — lehighvalley @ 3:00 pm
mother talking to a dentist about latching problems

It’s natural and instinctual they say, but many new mothers find that nursing can be much more complicated. As you try—again—to breastfeed your baby, they continue to have latching problems. What could be causing the difficulty? Have you considered the possibility of a tongue-tie?

A tongue-tie is a piece of tissue underneath the tongue that makes it difficult for the tongue to move with the necessary flexibility to latch on correctly. Keep reading to learn more about the tongue’s function in breastfeeding and what can be done to make this “natural” process easier for your baby.


Can Tongue-Tie Impact Vocal Quality?

June 18, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — lehighvalley @ 3:21 am

Woman singing into microphoneA tongue-tie is often thought to be an issue that causes a person to slip or stumble over their words; however, it’s actually a condition that impedes normal movements of the tongue. A tight or thick band of tissue under the tongue can restrict movements, which can also occur with the upper lip, known as a lip-tie. Typically, it is diagnosed during infancy after feeding concerns arise, but it may not be noticed until later in life. One of the main symptoms can involve poor vocal quality and here’s why. 


Infant Acid Reflux? A Tongue Tie May Be to Blame

May 6, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — lehighvalley @ 3:15 pm
closeup of an infant’s mouth for infant acid reflux

When you have an infant, you’re bound to deal with messes. Little spit ups and even throw up once in a while are nothing to worry about, but if your baby is projectile vomiting for multiple feedings per day, it can become frustrating for both of you. Not only can your infant not get the full nutrition they need, but it can leave you both cranky over wasted breastmilk or formula due to acid reflux.

At first, your doctor may suggest cutting out certain foods from your diet or another type of formula to see if it could be a food sensitivity. You may also try inclining your baby to help them keep food down and not be as fussy. However, infant acid reflux can have various underlying causes, and you may be surprised to learn that a tongue tie is one of them. How can an issue with the tongue lead to this problem? And what can be done about it? Keep reading to find out!


Can Adults Have Tongue-Ties?

April 5, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — lehighvalley @ 7:46 pm
older girl with tongue-tie

As an adult, do you notice you have difficulty swallowing or eating certain foods? Do you struggle to speak clearly? You may not realize it, but you could be dealing with a tongue-tie. Although more commonly found (and treated) in infants and young children, many symptoms may not arise until later in life. If any of these problems sound familiar, read on to learn more about the condition and how you could have it treated with a frenectomy in Phillipsburg.

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